“Recycling is a lot of fun, for you and me and everyone!”
– Recycling Is Fun by Charles Ghigna
It’s a special day! So special, in fact, that we decided to share a blog post on a Monday. π It’s Earth Day! We’ve been so incredibly busy with all of our Easter crafts and activities this month, that we ran out of time to share any pre-Earth Day crafts and activities. But we refuse to let the day go unnoticed, so we’ve decided to share a few of our favorite Earth Day books with all of you!
As you likely know, one of our favorite ways to celebrate and learn about various holidays, is through literature. Books are the perfect place to turn when you’re yearning for more knowledge on a particular subject. And these Earth Day books presented us with a wealth of information about the importance of taking care of our planet…and the numerous things that we can all do to help!
Earth Day Books (2019)
- It’s Earth Day! by Mercer Mayer
- Litter Critter is on an important mission to save the polar bears…after learning about global warming at school. He makes sure that his family turns off lights when they leave a room, and he requests that the faucet be turned off when everyone is brushing their teeth. He joins a recycling event, helps plant some trees with the rest of his class, and happily spreads the word on reducing, reusing, and recycling. And he just can’t contain his excitement after building his very own climate control machine. But will his invention help slow global warming and save the polar bears? You’ll just have to read this adorable story to find out!
- Earth Day – Hooray! by Stuart J. Murphy
- There is always one book in our stack of favorites that we end up reading a million, gazillion, bazillion times. π Among our stack of Earth Day books, this is it! Carly, Ryan, and Luke are hard at work cleaning up Gilroy Park…the site of this year’s Earth Day celebration. In the midst of gathering up rubbish, Ryan decides that they should collect all of the aluminum cans that they can find, take them to the recycling center, and use the money earned to purchase some flowers to plant at the park entrance. Their club adviser thinks Ryan’s idea is brilliant, and she sets a hefty goal of 5,000 cans. They find a total of 359 in the park. Will they ever reach 5,000?
- Miss Fox’s Class Goes Green by Eileen Spinelli
- When Miss Fox shows up to school on her bicycle, her students are confused. Why didn’t she drive her car? Miss Fox informs her students that cars pollute the air, so she’s decided to only drive when she absolutely must. She’s going green! Her excitement spills into her classroom, and pretty soon her students are brainstorming ways that they too can go green. Mouse takes a shorter shower, Raccoon grabs an extra blanket (instead of turning up the heat), Bunny and her dad start bringing cloth bags to the supermarket, Toad helps his uncle take some things to the recycling center, and the entire class participates in a toy swap. The class’s enthusiasm for a healthy planet becomes contagious…and pretty soon the whole entire school is joining in on the fun!
- Earth Day, Birthday! by Maureen Wright
- It’s April 22nd and the jungle animals are ready to celebrate Earth Day. They are all excited to plant trees, collect garbage, visit the recycling center, and build compost bins. All except Monkey. Monkey just wants to celebrate his birthday. But try as he might, he cannot convince his friends that it’s his birthday. “It’s Earth Day, not your birthday!” they all retort. The animals are frustrated and frazzled by Monkey’s insistence…they just want to celebrate Earth Day. That is…until Monkey’s mom shows up with a giant birthday cake…and their grumbling tummies force a change of heart. They all realize that it’s OK to celebrate Monkey’s birthday AND Earth Day!
- Earth Day Every Day by Lisa Bullard
- Trina, the Earthling, is ready to take responsibility for the state of her planet. “Earthlings made this Earth mess. So we Earthlings should fix it! It’s a job for everyone.” Trina plants trees with her classmates, forms an Earth Day club with her friends, participates in a neighborhood Earth Day trade, and enjoys a TV-free evening playing board games with her family. What are some everyday things that you can do to help save energy, and make our planet a more beautiful place?
- Biscuit’s Earth Day Celebration by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
- We can never go wrong with a Biscuit book! This time Biscuit is learning all about Earth Day and the various ways that we can all help save our planet – conserving water, helping creatures (big and small), planting gardens, using cloth bags, and cleaning up our favorite outdoor areas!
- The EARTH Book by Todd Parr
- Much like we can’t fail with a Biscuit book, we have yet to read a book by Todd Parr that we did not immediately fall in love with. With his signature style, Todd delves into the importance of environmental protection – in a very kid-friendly way. This book encourages us all to do our part in helping our planet – from using both sides of a piece of paper, bringing cloth bags to the grocery store, using less water for baths, taking the bus or riding bikes as modes of transportation, turning off lights, and recycling everything that we can. “I know I can do little things every day to make a BIG difference.”
- Recycling Is Fun by Charles Ghigna
- We help the planet when we reuse and recycle items, and this book urges everyone to join in on the fun! Pretty soon we will all be saying, “Hurray! Hurray! Recycle Day!” This adorable book also includes instructions for how to create your very own snake…using recycled items, of course. π
- Curious George Plants A Tree by Margret & H.A. Rey
- Curious George is extremely excited about the museum’s Green Day rally…but he might be a bit too excited. George starts gathering up all of the recyclables in his house, and when he steps outside, he spies a whole lot more: all of the newspapers sitting on everyone’s front porch, the stack of magazines sitting beside the newsstand, the paper cups at a lemonade stand, and the box of files sitting alongside the moving truck. George loads everything into his wagon and heads off toward the rally…accompanied by an angry mob of people looking for their papers, magazines, cups, and files. Luckily, the man in the yellow hat is there to help explain the misunderstanding. And once everything is sorted back out, everyone joins together to plant trees in the park!
And there you have it…our favorite Earth Day books for 2019! Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to head outside to enjoy the sunshine, while we clean up trash around our neighborhood greenbelts and parks!