I came across this little saying the other day, “Keep calm, and get your pumpkin on!” It seems like an appropriate statement during this time of year, because when I think of holiday desserts, the first thing that pops into my head is pumpkin pie. I’m pretty sure that we had a pumpkin pie (and usually an apple pie, too)… View Post
Turkey Cheese Ball
The holiday season is in full swing! I don’t know about you, but Thanksgiving seemed to come and go so fast this year. Perhaps it was all of the dinner planning and preparation, in the midst of also parenting a 2-year-old, that made it such a blur. We hosted a small celebration with some of our family, and feasted on… View Post
Celebrating Holidays Through Literature – Halloween 2016
Celebrating different holidays is always fun for adults and children alike. There is the house decorating, creative crafts, the costumes and fancy outfits, parades, delicious food, and yes, sometimes even candy and presents! But I’m also a big fan of extending the celebrations into other educational facets, and what better way to do that than with books? Now, I’m not… View Post
Our Favorite Fruit Smoothie
Smoothies are wonderful concoctions. They are quick and easy to make, versatile, healthy, and you can take them on the go! Our daughter was never a big milk drinker, and so, in order to help her reach the suggested daily calcium requirements, I decided to venture into the smoothie world. I purchased a single-serving blender (the Bella Rocket Blender) and… View Post
First Birthday Fun
When our daughterΒ turned one, I wanted her birthday celebration to be memorable…and of course, all about her! You only turn one once! I decided to stick with a simple theme – polka dots – so as not to distract from the real reason we were all there – to celebrate our little nugget’sΒ first year of life and send her our… View Post
Fun DIY Halloween Decorations
BOO! I didn’t mean to startle you, but Halloween is right around the corner. Don’t worry, you still have time to create some fun do-it-yourself Halloween decorations before the big day! If I’m being honest, Halloween was one of my least favorite holidays…before our daughter joined the family. Obviously, I enjoyed dressing up and going trick-or-treating as a kid, but… View Post