Are you ready for Halloween? We started decorating our house at the beginning of the month. We hung our monster wreath on the door, stuck our skeleton flamingos in the front yard, found the perfectly spooky spot for our gigantic hairy spider, and created these cute Paper Plate Halloween Crafts to hang in our dining room!
Don’t you just love paper plate crafts? They are always so quick, versatile, easy to hang, and perfect for the little ones to assist with. Our little nugget especially loves painting the paper plates…and adding googly eyes! π
Paper Plate Ghost
BOO! I came across a photo on Pinterest of a similar paper plate ghost (fromΒ and I just couldn’t resist!
All you need to create your own paper plate ghost is a white paper plate, white and black construction paper, cheese cloth (or white streamers), glue, and scissors.
Simply cut out two eyes and a mouth from the black construction paper, and glue them onto the paper plate. From the white construction paper, cut out two arms with mitten hands (no fingers). Glue one arm on each side of the paper plate (adhering to the back side of the plate). Next, take a piece of cheese cloth and glue it to the back-side of the paper plate, on the bottom. Take your scissors and cut various sizes (and lengths) of strips into the cheese cloth. An alternative to using cheese cloth would be to use white streamers, and just tear them at varying lengths. Once finished, set the ghost aside for the glue to dry completely.
Paper Plate Frankenstein
I absolutely adore this little paper plate Frankenstein, with his springy green legs! He’s a big hit with our little nugget too! I came across this awesome Halloween craft idea over on Vicky Barone’s blog ( Vicky shares two other adorable paper plate Halloween characters in her post, that you should definitely check out! I knew that the Frankenstein was a must for us, because he makes an appearance in our daughter’s favorite Danger Mouse book.
To make this Halloween craft you will need: a green paper plate (we just painted ours), green and black construction paper, a black marker, googly eyes (we love using peel-and-stick googly eyes), and glue.
Cut two strips from the green construction paper and fold them accordion-style (for his legs). From the black construction paper, cut out his hair, mouth, and two bolts for the sides of his head. Glue his hair to the top of the green paper plate. Add two googly eyes, and then glue on his mouth. Using the black marker, add some stitches above one eye. Next, glue the bolts and legs to the back-side of the plate (in their appropriate locations). Once you’ve finished gluing, set Frankenstein aside to dry completely.
Paper Plate Pumpkin
I’m always game for easy, yet adorable crafts, so I was pumped when I stumbled across this paper plate pumpkin craft over on The Simple Parent ( It truly is the easiest paper plate pumpkin craft! π
All you need to make your own paper plate pumpkin is an orange paper plate (you could always paint one orange too), a black marker, and a green pipe cleaner. Seriously…that’s it!
Draw the pumpkin face of your dreams onto the plate, using the black marker. Then punch a small hole through the top of the paper plate and slide the green pipe cleaner through. Fold the pipe cleaner in half and give it a twist at the top of the plate, to keep it in place. Then simply curl the ends of the pipe cleaner around a finger and TA DA! Pretty awesome, right?
Paper Plate Spider
We actually made a yellow paper plate spider last Halloween season, and we loved it so much that we decided to make another one! This year, my little nugget chose black…spooky! I found this brilliant spider craft over on I Heart Crafty Things (
The supplies required to make this paper plate spider include: a black paper plate (we painted ours), black pipe cleaners (I cut four of ours in half, to make eight), and googly eyes.
I simply punched four holes on each side of the plate (to attach the pipe cleaner legs). Rachel (I Heart Crafty Things) staples her legs onto the plate – either way works! I slide each pipe cleaner through the hole and folded a small piece back up to twist together with the other side, to keep them in place. Once all of the pipe cleaners are attached, create one bend in each leg to make the spider legs more realistic. And finally (our little nugget’s favorite part)…add an abundance of googly eyes! If you want to make it look like your spider is hanging from a web…poke a small hole into the top of the plate and feed a piece of white string (or ribbon) through. Tie a quick knot to hold it in place, and you’re all set!
Paper Plate Witch
After a recent trip to Home Depot…where we happened upon an inflatable, talking witch decoration…our little nugget became obsessed with witches. And I just so happened to find this perfectly wicked paper plate witch over on Crafty Morning (
For this witch craft (he he he…get it…witchcraft) π you will need a green paper plate (we painted ours), black, purple, and orange construction paper, a black marker, glue, and googly eyes.
Using the black construction paper, cut out a witch’s hat and two strips (for her legs). Michelle’s witch (Crafty Morning) didn’t have legs, but we loved our Frankenstein legs so much, we decided that our witch needed some legs too! Fold the two black strips accordion-style, and set aside. Next, cut a purple strip of paper for the band of the witch’s hat. Glue the purple strip onto the hat. Using a folded piece of orange construction paper, trace your kiddo’s hands and cut them out (you should have a total of four hands). Glue two hands on the underneath of each side of the witch’s hat (to create hair). Next, glue the hair and hat to the top of the paper plate. Add two googly eyes, and then (using the black marker) draw on a crooked nose and grin. Don’t forget to add a wart! Lastly, glue the two legs to the underside of the plate. Set your witch aside to dry completely. Once dry…race her around the house, cackling loudly. π Or just hang her on display…whatever you’re in to.
And there you have it…five perfectly simple, spooky, and adorable Paper Plate Halloween Crafts!
What are some of your family’s favorite decorative Halloween crafts to create? I would love to hear about them in the comments section below.