After sharing our potty-training experience with you earlier this week, I figured I would stick with the theme and give you a glimpse at our favorite potty books. Yep, these are the books that we chose to designate specifically to the bathroom. The books that helped guide our little nugget in her potty-training quest, and the books that she still loves to read when she requires a little more time on the potty.
She now knows each of the books by heart. She happily reads them to us, and she still claps and cheers for the potty-trained heroes in each story. Potty books were a wonderful way for us to educate and encourage our daughter, when it came time for her to learn how to use the potty.
There are a bunch of different potty books out there – some of which are even geared toward the different experiences that boys and girls have when learning to use the potty. Reading potty books outside of the bathroom when your little one is potty-training, can also be helpful. I recommend picking up a random assortment from your local library. But, more importantly, I encourage you to buy at least one potty book for each of the bathrooms that your toddler uses in your home. Books for them to listen to (and read) when they are actually sitting on the potty. See below for our favorites.
Our Favorite Potty Books
- The Potty Book for Girls by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
- Follow Hannah (and her teddy) as they navigate the potty-training process. Each time we reach the end of this story, our daughter exclaims, “Yay Hannah! You did it!”
- Potty by Leslie Patricelli
- A little boy tries to decide whether he should go potty in his diaper, or on the potty. Ultimately, he decides to give the potty a go…with success. Our little nugget loves to chime in for the ending, “Tinkle, tinkle, toot. I did it! Hooray!”
- Big Girl Panties by Fran Manushkin
- “Bye-bye diapers! I wear panties!” This cute story focuses on the fun of transitioning from diapers to big-girl underwear. Our daughter especially loves listing off all of the days-of-the-week-panties. “Panties! Panties! Hip Hooray! Panties for every single day!”
What are some of your little one’s favorite potty books? Were there any that you found especially helpful when it came to potty-training? Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments below.