Easter certainly is early this year. I feel like we just finished our St. Patrick’s Day arts and crafts projects, and it’s already time to take them down and decorate for Easter. Are you feeling just as rushed? To help you with the quick transition, I decided to share some fun (and easy) Easter Crafts for Kids!
So, get ready to invite an abundance of bunnies and baby chicks into your house, to help you celebrate the Easter holiday!
Squeegee-Painted Bunnies
I absolutely love how these squeegee-painted bunnies turned out! They are definitely my favorite, of all the Easter crafts that we made this year. And our little nugget had the best time painting them. We love trying out new painting techniques, and the squeegee did not disappoint. I recently came across several Instagram posts about squeegee painting, and was dying to try it out. What better way to utilize the new technique, than to paint some cute little bunny silhouettes?
If you and your kiddos would like to create your very own squeegee-painted bunnies, you will need the following supplies: bunnyΒ silhouettes (I cut ours from white card stock), various colors of paint, a squeegee (a ruler might also work), glue, and large poms. I also highly recommend placing some craft paper (or a tablecloth) on the table, before you start painting. π
Start by adding dots of paint (in the colors of your choosing) all over the bunny. Once satisfied, place the squeegee at the top of the bunny’s ears and slowly pull down. Feel free to go back over any white spots with the paint-filled squeegee. When done, simply wipe off the squeegee with a wet paper towel (or rinse in the sink). Repeat the process for each bunny. Let your creativity flow by trying out different paint combinations. Once your bunnies are complete, set them aside to dry completely. After the paint has dried, add a dab of glue to a large pom, and adhere the bunny tail. Hippity-hoppity, Easter’s on it’s way!
Our little nugget thought that it would be nice if we made something for the bunnies to eat…so we crafted a carrot for them to share (as you can see in the photo above). π
I came across this cute beaded carrot craft on Pinterest (posted byΒ Play Dough & Popsicles). All you need is a green pipe cleaner and some orange craft beads (we used some that we had leftover from our Melted Craft Bead Suncatchers). Bend the green pipe cleaner in half, and have your little one string the orange craft beads onto each side of the pipe cleaner…this provides great fine motor skills practice!Β Make sure to leave some empty space on the ends so that you can tie the pipe cleaner together, and form the carrot stem. Such an easy, yet adorable Easter craft!
Paper Bunnies
These paper bunnies were inspired by the DIY Bunny Party Hats, from The House That Lars Built. The bunny party hats are adorable, but I wanted to create some bunnies that could sit on our dining room table, as our Easter centerpiece. Thus, we made these paper bunnies, sans the party hat strings.
For this cute bunny craft, you will need construction paper (or card stock paper) in the colors of your choosing (we tried to stick more to the Easter pastels). You will also need some scissors, a glue stick, a black marker, and a stapler (optional).
Start by cutting large circles from the paper, to create the bunny heads. With the leftover scraps of paper you should be able to cut bunny ears, eyes, triangular bunny noses, and some thin whiskers. Roll a large circle into a pointed cylinder, and seal the seam with the glue stick. I found it helpful to place a staple at the top and bottom of the seam as well, to help hold everything in place while the glue dried. You may also have to trim the base a bit, in order for it to sit on a flat surface. Using the glue stick, adhere the bunny ears, eyes, whiskers, and nose. Draw on a little bunny mouth (right below the nose) with the black marker, for the finishing touch. Repeat the steps for any other bunnies that will be joining the bunch.
Hatching Chick Craft
It wouldn’t be Easter without a few baby chicks running around…and this super cute hatching chick craft is incredibly easy to create! If your little ones are anything like our little nugget, they are going to love crafting this baby chick!
The supplies required to make this hatching chick craft, are as follows: construction paper (yellow and orange), paper plate, googly eyes, scissors, and a glue stick.
Start by cutting an egg shape out of the piece of yellow construction paper. Cut the paper plate in half in a funky zig-zag pattern. Glue the paper plate to the bottom half of the yellow egg. Next cut two webbed feet, and a beak, from the orange construction paper. Adhere the googly eyes to the egg, and glue the beak on below. Lastly, glue the feet onto the front of the paper plate. Now you have an adorable baby chick to display during your Easter festivities!
Popsicle Stick Bunny Masks
I recently came across this clever Easy and Cute Bunny Nose Masks idea, over on Kids Craft Room. I loved Emma’s idea so much, I just knew that we would have to make some for ourselves! And I’m so glad that we did…now we can don our bunny masks and hop around the house all day! Our little nugget was so excited when she saw the finished product (although she initially thought that we were cats). π
To make your own bunny masks, you will need the following supplies: extra-wide popsicle sticks (you can paint them yourselves, or you can purchase the pre-colored craft sticks from your local craft store), white pipe cleaners, small white (or light purple) poms, mini pink poms, small rectangles of white paper, a black marker, and a glue gun.
Glue the small rectangle of white paper to the top of a popsicle/craft stick (glue it just below the top curve so that you cannot see it, if you flip the stick over). Next, cut three white pipe cleaners in half (this provides enough whiskers for two bunny masks). Carefully, add a large dab of hot glue toward the top of the stick (on top of the white rectangle, leaving enough room to also glue on the mini pink pom above it). Press the pipe cleaner whiskers into the hot glue. Press the two small white poms on top of the whiskers (feel free to use another dab of hot glue, if needed). Next, add a small dab of hot glue to the mini pink pom and glue it to the very top of the stick. Let sit for a few minutes, until the hot glue cools and hardens. Using the black marker, draw two bunny teeth on the visible area of the white rectangle. Hold the mask up to your face and transform into an adorable little bunny rabbit! Hop! Hop!
Pom Chicks Easter Craft
If you have not already noticed, we love using poms for craft projects. They make perfect fluffy bunny tails, or soft little bunny noses…and they also make the cutest, fuzziest little chicks! When I saw this Easy Pom Pom Chicks Craft for Kids (over on Crafty Morning), I pinned it to my holiday Pinterest board, so that I could find it for just such an occasion!
For this simple craft, we used the following supplies: white card stock, large yellow poms, medium yellow poms, small yellow poms, small googly eyes, hot glue gun, and markers.
We carefully added dabs of hot glue to our yellow poms and then glued them to the white card stock, creating a little family of chicks. Next, we carefully glued on the googly eyes (one eye per chick, creating a profile). I highly recommend that this part be completed by an adult, since the eyes are so incredibly small and the glue is very hot. Using an orange marker, we drew a beak and feet onto each chick. And we didn’t stop there…we decided to create a colorful Easter picture! Using the rest of our markers, we added some green grass, an orange sun, blue clouds and some colorful birds!
And there you have it, our quick and easy Easter Crafts for Kids! If you’re looking for more fun ideas…be sure to check out all of the Easy Easter Crafts that we made last year!